OsteoGen Dental Plug Accessories
At Impladent, we carry more than just OsteoGen plugs and membranes. We also provide the necessary dental equipment and tools needed to perform a safe and complication-free tooth extraction. Get dental diamond burs for fast and effective socket debridement following a tooth extraction. We also carry bur holders, kits, and stainless steel curettes for effective debridement. With our dental surgical tools, you can ensure no leftover particulates, such as plaque or tartar, interfere with the healing process.
Get stainless steel graft pluggers, designed to help you shape and press OsteoGen plugs and membranes into extraction sites with a firm yet delicate touch. We even carry OsteoGen bone plug pressers, perfect for compressing plugs, pellets, and other forms of allograft bone for an ideal fit. FInd all the OsteoGen dental plug tools and dental accessories needed to expertly perform tooth extractions and bone grafts today.