SuperSplint® Prefabricated Chairside Immediate Implant Splinting System
SuperSplint Prefabricated Chairside Immediate Implant Splinting System

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Product Code: SSS-SS
Call (800) 526-9343 for information regarding
1-on-1 training and Surgical Seminar Series.
Product only available with training.


SuperSplint® Prefabricated Chairside Immediate Implant‑Splinting System to be used with PhysioLock® or LaminOss® implant systems.

*          Call (800) 526-9343 for pricing and information regarding 1-on-1 training and Surgical Seminar Series.

*          SuperSplint® is designed for use with either the PhysioLock® or LaminOss® implant system 

*          This chairside implant‑splinting prosthesis utilizes the patient's existing denture for one‑visit surgery and restoration. 

*          The fully annealed gold bar with morse tapered coupling abutments resolves parallel issues, reduces dynamic force implant moment overload

*          Gold bar also functions as a suspension bridge cable assembly to flex with mandibular demands, preventing class II cantilever implant exfoliation.