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Understanding the Implant Placement Process with Impladent's OsteoGen® Plugs

At Impladent, we pride ourselves on our advanced dental implant placement process using our cutting-edge OsteoGen® Plugs. Understanding the implant placement process is crucial for both patients and dental professionals alike. In this blog post, we will dive into the key steps involved in implant placement and the unique benefits of using OsteoGen® Plugs. Get in touch to learn more today.

A Consultation With Your Dentist

Firstly, your dentist performs a thorough examination and consultation to assess your oral health and determine suitability for implant placement. Your team of experienced dental professionals at your dental office will closely examine your bone structure, gum condition, and overall dental health. This initial step ensures that each patient receives personalized dental treatment and an optimal outcome.

Your Treatment Plan

After the initial examination, your dentist will offer a customized dental treatment plan. This plan includes the number of implants required, their positioning, and any necessary preparatory procedures such as bone grafting. Most likely, your dentist believes in a collaborative approach, involving patients in the decision-making process, and addressing any concerns they may have.

The Use of Osteogen® Plugs

During the implant placement procedure, your skilled dentists use our innovative Osteogen® Plugs. These plugs are designed to enhance bone growth and aid in the successful integration of the implant. Made of biocompatible materials, OsteoGen® Plugs provide a stable foundation for the implant, minimizing the risk of complications in the future.

The Dental Implant Itself

Once the OsteoGen® Plugs are in place, the implants themselves are inserted into the bone. Your dentists meticulously position each implant to ensure both aesthetic and functional results. Using state-of-the-art technology, such as 3D imaging and computer-guided surgery, they can precisely place the implants, enhancing accuracy and reducing surgery time.

The Healing Process

After the dental implants are in place, a healing period of several months is necessary. This allows the implants to properly fuse with the surrounding bone, a process known as osseointegration. During this time, regular dental check-ups are scheduled to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns. Your dentist most likely believes in providing comprehensive post-operative care, ensuring the long-term success of the implant placement.

The Last Step

Once the healing period is complete, the final step involves attaching the abutments and prosthetic teeth to the implants. Our OsteoGen® Plugs play a crucial role in this step, as they promote the growth of surrounding bone and provide a stable foundation for the prosthetic teeth. This ensures that patients achieve natural-looking, functional, and long-lasting results.

Why Osteogen® Plugs?

The advantages of using OsteoGen® Plugs for the dental implant placement process with Impladent cannot be overstated. These plugs not only facilitate osseointegration but also help to preserve the surrounding bone. They provide an ideal environment for bone regeneration, resulting in improved aesthetics and stability of the final prosthetic teeth. Additionally, the high-quality materials used in OsteoGen® Plugs minimize the risk of allergic reactions or complications.


Understanding the dental implant placement process is essential for patients and dental professionals alike. At Impladent, we utilize our advanced OsteoGen® Plugs to enhance the success and longevity of dental implant treatments. From the initial examination to the final placement of prosthetic teeth, our team of skilled dentists ensures that each patient receives personalized, high-quality care. Experience the difference with OsteoGen® Plugs and trust Impladent for a successful dental implant outcome. And, if you have questions about our Osteogen® Plugs, simply ask your dentist who will be more than happy to help, or contact us today.